Cloud Migration to foster business operations in this pandemic situation

Satyawati Patil
5 min readDec 1, 2020

Modern reforms in I.T. digitization has completely revolutionized the standards of business sector. With an onset of this I.T. reform, Internet has acquired an immense hold for marketplace of Indian industries to ex-cogitate, review and explore a virtual feel. Despite the radical changes in terms of I.T. sector, Indian industries need a fueling growth to catch an eye and cope up with the rising COVID-19 pandemic in the country. Keeping this in view, Cloud migration is an absolute pacemaker to paramount the business operations, a rising horizon to new level of data up-gradation and an escalating constraint for strengthening the market potential.

Need for Data Migration

Cloud Computing has emerged as a boon in times of lockdown scenario, especially for the businesses requiring the tools, services and infrastructure in place with a viewpoint to enhance remote work and maintain the productivity. No doubt, the way in which the Internet has moved the world, cloud computing has also moved the work-related scenario in the phase of cloud migration, with confined strategies.

Moreover, this work shift strategy has led the Indian industries to step ahead and move the essential customer-oriented parts of their business to the Cloud, thereby upheaving the service providers to sustain the balance between public and private cloud infrastructure, especially during the disruption caused by pandemic outbreak. Besides the I.T. firms, it has become even more crucial to several credit card and logistics firm to migrate the client-related operations and supply chain services over the cloud.

Despite the ideology of migrating an existing infrastructure, it is always effective to converge the utility of data migration in terms of cost-efficiency, system security and employee’s feasibility on a vulnerable scale. In fact, several enterprises adopt the migration of on-premises data and applications by collaborating with local data centres to public cloud infrastructure in order to ensure reliability, authentication, redundancy and self-service provisioning as per pay-use models.

Benefits of Cloud Migration

1) Improved Productivity and Employee Experience:

Several enterprises leveraging the cloud services facilitate remote work feasibility for employees through centralized access to company data and collaboration with co-workers at different locations. This develops a clear insight for employees to analyse and rectify the key performance signals, which can be further beneficial to apprise focused business decisions. Apart from business insiders, the cloud features an automatic provision of on-boarding new employees, sustenance of proactive environment such as adoption of effective training of novel technologies and authenticating awareness.

2) Better Security and Data Authority

Despite the dependency on multiple servers and desktop oriented hard-drives, it becomes more easier for the entrepreneurs to govern a centralized access to data storage by means of cloud migration. In fact, the data storage and collection of several folders and documents on multiple servers and prevalent hard drives involve the issues relevant to compliance and reliability. However, the development of single sign-on feature of cloud ensures a complete authentication to data storage and governance on the grounds of I.T. industries.

This feature enables the users to get an access over the confidential data by an addition or removal of employees or adoption of consent for every activity on the basis of role assigned in single location, thereby imparting error-free authentication.

With the usage of single login ID and protected password, it becomes extremely easier to access innumerable applications across the industry. Besides these, strategic implementation of security audit optimization is also possible on cloud so as to discover the underlying issues corresponding to applications involved in it. This proves extremely beneficial for the industries to identify their endangering security issue and undergo the required upgradation as far as safety measures are concerned.

3)Cost-efficient Redundancy and Workflow

Indeed, the development of centralized governance cost management centres in the similar cloud portal offers a lucid view to manage the cost at an optimum level. The audits concerning the software buying and the licencing level could skilfully assist in leveraging investments and the demolishing of irrelevant excess expenditure. In addition to this, several applications exhibit built-in provision of cloud programs such as Office 365, which plays a crucial factor in streamlining the workflow and operational sequel in few clicks.

Factors Ensuring Successful Migration

1) Improvised Planning

One of the most significant initiators in uplifting the data migration involves planning. It serves as a great outlining tool to re-structure the project in accordance to scope and timeline details. When it comes to planning for cloud migration, cleaning the undesired data check is taken into consideration to avoid excess costs. Data migration is a sequence confining with mail-box migration, to access the communication throughout the operations and workload to be carried out for next stages of migration.

2)Time allocation:

The growing utility of software like SharePoint Online, and One drive consumes daytime as major operational period. However, it should be noted that the migration timing scheduling must be executed during off-peak period to experience uninterrupted migration, without disturbing the employee productivity for assigned tasks.

3) Sustain Security

Proper security becomes a prior criterion in the phase of cloud migration. Assigning a security expert throughout the migration process can help in monitoring the hassle-free flow and avoid down-streaming.

4)Vulnerability to Change Management

Implementation of cloud technologies involves diverse change management. It is always important to ensure the objectives of migration and the expected advantages on-board. The uprising change may exhibit the necessity to develop plan ‘B’ for operational models in any case, to prevent haphazard circumstances.

5)Foresight Challenges

Execution of workloads right after data migration in new circumambience of cloud may undergo various challenges. As a result, it becomes very cardinal aspect to view an obvious picturesque of new working environment before the data migration. This ultimately anticipates the possible challenges or obstacles which are likely to occur and rectify them to some extent. Allocation of a proper migration tool or a MSP partner can possibly overcome these challenges, thereby imparting the smooth transition.

Perhaps, the random nature of business landscapes has led many industries and enterprises in India to increase the pace and grow their move to the cloud. Due to the necessity to sustain in ever-growing tantrums thrown by COVID outburst, cloud is acting as a phase-shifter to modernize the workflow streamline and steadfast the adverse rising phenomena with utmost agility for several decades.

With time and advent, it is highly essential for the business sectors to implement the innovative trends for driving and shaping the Indian industries. The emerging aspect of novel technology, new execution demands and consistent transition to digitization will continue to influence the Indian market. Despite the several innovations that have been adopted for data migration, the cloud offers the sequel shift of future trends. Eventually, in conclusion; these innovative strategies need further advancement for an upliftment of Indian e-commerce industry and other business segments specifically by means of cloud computing.

